
Orange County has been working to promote infill and redevelopment for several years. The County defines infill as the development of vacant or underutilized land within the Urban Service Area where restoration and rehabilitation of existing structures or infrastructure maintains the continuity of the original community fabric. In an effort to encourage infill and redevelopment activities, Orange County prepared an Infill Master Plan in 2007. The Infill Master Plan articulates the County's infill, redevelopment, and rehabilitation strategies to accommodate future growth, provide an alternative to a traditional suburban development on vacant lands, protect natural resources, and take advantage of existing infrastructure.

Infill Master Plan

As part of Phase Two of the Infill Master Plan, the Orange County Planning Division updated a portion of the Infill Master Plan in 2009 to include an analysis of recent foreclosures, available commercial properties, and businesses in the area. An additional update included a neighborhood district evaluation to assess the level and success of implementation of the "Neighborhood" future land use designations and zoning districts within the Holden Heights neighborhood in the county.


Orange County provides different incentives to assist in the implementation of the Infill Master Plan. These incentives include:

An equal opportunity employer/program.  Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
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