Florida Insight
Department of Commerce
Data with Meaning

Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS)

The Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program produces estimates of civilian labor force, total employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates by place of residence. Monthly tables include estimates for the current month, previous month, and the current month a year ago. Annual tables include both monthly data and calendar year averages. Seasonally adjusted estimates are available for the state and selected sub-state areas.

Geographic Coverage: Statewide, Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA), all counties, and cities with populations over 25,000.

Frequency: Monthly and Annually

LMI Data Cheat Sheet (PDF)



LAUS Data by County

About the Data

Data Search

The data search tool allows you to select and export a custom data series. Data may be retrieved quarterly and annually by industry, geography, and other factors depending on data series and availability.